a moment to remember

I am notoriously bad at remembering things per my friends and family. I mostly try to forget the bad, but many times I end up forgetting the good memories along with. I forget timelines of what happened and when. Sometimes I even forget that an event happened altogether. While this initially worried me, I’ve mostly settled into pleasant oblivion and have been just allowing myself to feel pleasantly surprised whenever someone jogs my very vague memory of the past. I remember some things though. Almost 2 years ago when I had my bachelorette party, my friends played a really sweet (and hilarious game) where everyone would write down a memory they shared with me and put it into a drawing pile, and another friend or two would randomly select a memory and act it out. I would have to guess who the memory belonged to. I remember laughing my ass off when two friends from two very different parts of my life started swaying, backs turn to me, and shaking and showing off their hair. I didn...